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About ncsy summer


Q: Why is the trip being postponed?
A: We currently have 600 NCSY participants in the North of Israel, where our security advisors maintain that it is safe and where we are able to meet their needs programmatically as well. Nonetheless, given the size of the TJJ program and its robust travel schedule, we now have reached the point where it’s not logistically reasonable to bring another 400 teens to that particular area at this time.

Q: Is the trip definitely going next week?
A: No, the only thing that is confirmed right now is that the trip will NOT be going on Wednesday, July 16th. At this time we have secured flights on Tuesday, July 22, and Wednesday, July 23. We will make a decision for certain as to whether or not TJJ will be departing with the revised schedules on or before Saturday night, July 19, at midnight ET.

Q: I still want my teen to go, but only if there is a ceasefire and the situation in Israel is much improved. What is my deadline for committing to go in the event that we are waiting for a ceasefire?
A: Once we have determined with certainty that the trip is going (on or before Saturday night, July 19), you will still have until Sunday morning, July 20, at 9:00 am ET to cancel or to proceed as planned.

Q: Will the trip be extended if it goes at all?
A: The trip will not be extended. The return date (Aug 12th) will remain the same and the trip will just be shortened.

Q: My ticket was extended for a week in Israel, will this be affected?

A: No, in the event that we do go on the trip, anyone that extended will have the exact same return dates. In addition, all connecting domestic flights will remain the same as scheduled, IF you booked your domestic flight through Ariel Tours.

Q: What should I do about my domestic flight?

A: If you booked your own domestic ticket, you will have to cancel and rebook it on your own. If you booked through Ariel Tours, they will take care of cancelling and re-booking your flights.

Q: Will the itinerary be updated or changed? Will they be going to Jerusalem?

A: We will only go to those places that the Cheder Matzav/Situation Room Agency gives us clearance to go to. As of now all itineraries are being rerouted to the Northern area of Israel, more specifically Chispin. Your teen’s safety is our number one concern.

Q: I have not been getting email updates consistently, what can I do?

A: Please email and ask to be added to the list serve so that you will get all security and program related updates. We will also post all the information on the Security Briefs blog so be sure to check that out.

Q: I want to cancel the trip, can I get a full refund?

A: If you did not purchase the Cancel For Any Reason Travel Insurance, at this time we can offer you most of the El Al airfare refund that will be given out. As soon as we have more information about the exact amounts, we will be in touch with you.

Q: What if NCSY cancels the trip, will I be refunded?

A: We are working to be able to give you back as much as we can and will be in touch with you in the coming weeks regarding an exact amount.

Q: Is it possible to purchase travel insurance through your agency?

A: The deadline to purchase travel insurance was May 1st or before your last payment was made. It is no longer possible to buy a travel insurance policy.

Q: Is there a possibility of credit for next year?

A: At this time there is no possibility of transferring funds to next year. We will do our best in the event of the 2014 trip cancelling to refund as much money as possible.

Q: My teen just graduated 12th grade and will be starting college in the fall, will he/she still be able to go next year if the 2014 trip is canceled?

A: The TJJ trip is eligible for current 9th through 12th graders, so we do have teens that have graduated from high school and will be entering college. Unfortunately, anyone that has completed their first year of college will not be eligible to go. We would suggest you look into Birthright Israel, and contact them by visiting

Q: Is the Free Shabbat still going to take place as originally planned? If not what programming will be available then?

A: The free weekend is cancelled until further notice for all of our programs, and we will revisit this topic after we have received more information on the situation in Israel.

Q: I have a lot of questions that are unanswered from this document, who can I talk to?

A: Our Summer program associates are happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have. Please email with any other questions.